ALS was requested to provide detailed inspections of ESP manufacturing processes for a Houston-based Operator. Over the course of 7 months, twelve (12) full ESP strings and two additional motors were manufactured centres, and ALS Quality Control experts were utilzed to ensure the highest quality systems were provided. ALS inspectors worked closely alongside the Manufacturer and Operator to coordinate schedules, enhance efficiency, and improve upon the Quality Control Plan as necessary. Furthermore, strict adherence to ALS customer-specific packaging and shipping requirements was enforced to minimize risk of damage during the transportation of the equipment from Manufacturing Centre to staging point for operations. Further information on the level of detail provided for this project is included below
Inspection Points
- Stator manufacturing, winding, and preparation
- ESP component inspection, with random dimensional checks of sub-components in QC lab
- Assembly of all components (Pumps, Intakes, Seals/Protectors, Motors, Gauges)
- Final acceptance testing (FAT)
- String Integration Testing (SIT) activities, including POST SIT, PTFE change out, oil filling and pressure testing
ALS Deliverables
- Daily Inspection Support
- - Two Manufacturing locations in conjunction
- - Provided additional inspectors as required to cover the planned activity and adhere to manufacturing schedule
- Detailed daily reports with component inspection summaries and non-conformances clearly identified
- Photograph library of inspected items organized by component and date
- Attendance of all key meetings and conference calls throughout the project
- Worked closely with Manufacturer to identify and correct non-conformances and other issues
- Sourcing of ShockWatchstickers for installation prior to packaging / shipping
- Final Report presentation summarizing all non-conformances and corrective actions / recommendations, for quick reference and relay of information to management
Findings and Recommendations
This project required a heightened attention to detail, as new processes were being implement in response to previous failure modes identified in the previous DIFA's performed for the same Operator. This required a focused, collaborative effort between Operator, Manufacturer, and ALS, as the QCP was continuously updated based on observations and challengers faced during the inspection process.
Numerous quality and non-conformance issues were observed at one of the two manufacturing facilities, resulting in many rejected/reworked components. The non-conformances observed were considered critical to the quality of the product, as there would have been a high likelihood of premature failures resulting from the findings had they not been addressed and corrected. Although the reworking of components caused delay to the delivery of the product, the manufacturing inspections were conducted well in advance of the planned ESP installations. A chart summarizing the areas where non-conformances were observed can be seen below.
Ultimately, all non-conformances were corrected, and the components were produced with high quality with ALS and Operator approval. The Operator, Manufacturer, and ALS worked together in this effort, resulting in a strong confidence for increased runlives and mitigation of infant failures.